Use this to accompany your CV. It's important to make the letter personal to yourself and the company that you are applying to. If you don't know who to send your CV to telephone/e-mail the company before hand to find out.
- Your address
- Your contact details
- Their name and address
- Find out their name by emailing or telephoning
- State which job you are applying for
- Explain why you want the job
- Make it clear what skills you have that you can apply to the job
- Let them know when you are available for interview
- Welcome them to contact you
- If you are printing the letter off then actually sign it
- Below is an image version of this information, click to enlarge. You can print this image off easily for your own use.
- Your address
- Your contact details
- Their name and address
- Find out their name by emailing or telephoning
- State which job you are applying for
- Explain why you want the job
- Make it clear what skills you have that you can apply to the job
- Let them know when you are available for interview
- Welcome them to contact you
- If you are printing the letter off then actually sign it
- Below is an image version of this information, click to enlarge. You can print this image off easily for your own use.